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The Never-Before-Made G.I. Joe Characters in Super7’s ReAction Collection!

If you know Super7, you know we love a good deep cut, so of course our collection of G.I. Joe ReAction figures are going to include the toys we always wanted but no one ever made before! The second wave alone included not one, not two, but FOUR characters who have never previously been made in toy form. Here’s a look at all of the G.I. Joe characters, or variations of a character, making their toy debut with a Super7 ReAction Figure!

Arctic Rescue Vehicle with Snake Eyes & Blind Woodsman - Super7

Arctic Rescue Vehicle with Snake Eyes & Blind Woodsman

Snake Eyes was facing a grim end as he was lost in an Arctic storm, suffering from radiation poisoning, AND attacked by a polar bear- until a Blind Woodsman came to his rescue! This hero finally gets his own toy, highlighting one of the most memorable moments in the entire G.I. Joe animated series, alongside a unique Snake Eyes that glows red in the dark!

Bazooka (Arctic Gear) - Super7

Bazooka (Arctic Gear)

While Bazooka figures have existed, this is the first time he has been made in his arctic gear, as seen in the early episodes of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero- check him in the “Three Cubes to Darkness” episode here!

Cobra Escape Pack

Cobra ain’t foolin’ anyone with these cockamamie disguises! Inspired by the Cobra leadership’s ham-handed attempt to avoid capture at the end of the Pyramid of Darkness miniseries, Super7 has put together an homage to what might be the best/worst escape plan of all time! 

Cobra Female Troopers - Super7

Cobra Female Troopers

Global terrorism knows no gender, and by the looks of all these Cobra Troopers, it would seem that there a plenty of women willing to join their cause! These ReAction Figures come in six different combinations of hairstyle, skin tone, and weapon accessory.

Cobra Python Patrol

Expand your Python Patrol unit with characters that were never previously available!  Super7 designed characters that were never previously done as Python Patrol and created new designs inspired by the vintage toys. Cobra B.A.T. is a new vintage-inspired design while Cobra Commander, Destro, and Baroness are never before released Python Patrol versions.

Cobra Shocktrooper - Super7

Cobra Shocktrooper

As seen in the M.A.S.S. Device storyline! When Cobra needed to defend their relay star satellite against the G.I. Joe’s killer satellite sent to destroy it, Destro teleported in the space-ready Cobra Shocktroopers! These ReAction figures come with three variants to choose from in multiple accent colors and different rifle styles.

Cobra Snakeling Factory Workers - Super7

Cobra Snakeling Factory Workers

Cobra Commander and his advisors are always coming up with grand ideas for inventions in pursuit of world domination, but when it comes down to actually producing these devices, the Cobra Snakelings are the ones actually getting their hands dirty. They are only seen in the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero episode “The Pyramid of Darkness” - watch it here!

Cobra Trooper (Camouflage Infantry) - Super7

Cobra Trooper (Camouflage Infantry)

A Super7 original design. If you’re thinking you’ve never seen this Cobra Trooper in blue camo before, you would be correct!

Gamemaster Drone - Super7

Gamemaster Drone

In “The Gamesmaster” episode of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, the Gamesmaster took Cobra Commander, Baroness, Lady Jaye, and Flint all hostage, forcing them to work together to escape! The Gamesmaster’s clown-faced, robotic toy soldiers are a deep cut sure to delight the biggest G.I. Joe fans.

G.I. Joe Sailors - Super7

G.I. Joe Sailors

The G.I. Joe Sailors are often seen in the background, but have never been made in their sailor uniforms! These ReAction Figures all have Navy-inspired casual "blueshirt" uniforms with white hats and either bearded, clean-shaven, or mustache facial detail, with each figure style also being available in pink, tan, or brown color variants.

G.I. Joe Female Combat Engineers - Super7

G.I. Joe Female Combat Engineers

Defending freedom from the threat of Cobra isn’t just a job for the men! The G.I. Joe Female Combat Engineers are based on a concept that never made it to production in the early-80s. These ReAction Figures come in nine different combinations of hairstyle, skin tone, and weapon accessory. 

G.I. Joe Camo Troopers - Super7

G.I. Joe Camo Troopers

You need a lot of brave people to fight the forces of Cobra, and these G.I. Joe Troopers show that there’s no shortage of those ready to step up to the task!  These ReAction Figures come in six different combinations of bearded, clean-shaven, or mustache facial detail, skin tone, and weapon accessory.

G.I. Joe MP - Super7

G.I. Joe MP

First time ever as an action figure! Someone has to be in charge of security on G.I. Joe bases.

G.I. Joe Tiger Force

Expand your Tiger Force unit with characters that were never previously available! Super7 designed characters that were never previously done as Tiger Force and created new designs inspired by the vintage toys. Duke is a new vintage-inspired design while Snake Eyes, Scarlett, and Greenshirt are never before released Tiger Force versions.

Glow Patrol - Super7

Glow Patrol

A Super7 original design. The G.I. Joe ReAction Glow Patrol lineup is here to shed light on the global conflict between G.I. Joe and the forces of Cobra! Scarlett, Snake Eyes and a G.I. Joe Trooper glow green while Baroness, Cobra Commander, and a Cobra Trooper glow blue! Even when the lights go down, you’ll still be able to keep track of these figures!

PSA Roadblock and Mutt - Super7

PSA Roadblock and Mutt

The G.I. Joe animated series was famous for its Public Service Announcements at the end of each episode, but over time, some of the clips were repurposed into somewhat less clear-cut messages. Roadblock was way ahead of his time in recognizing the importance of self-care. K9 Unit Handler & I.T. Bandwidth Specialist, Mutt, had his tireless pursuit of sufficient bandwidth to become the first human computer. Super7 memorialized both with their own ReAction Figures.

The Pyramid of Darkness Box Set - Super7

The Pyramid of Darkness Box Set

Inspired by the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Season 1 episode “The Pyramid of Darkness” where Snake Eyes and Shipwreck infiltrate a Cobra base. Recreate one of the greatest G.I. Joe episodes with Snake Eyes (in Snakeling disguise and accompanied by Timber), Shipwreck in Snakeling disguise (with laser information disc accessory and Polly), three Snakeling workers (Tan, Light Brown, and Dark Brown with jetpacks and rifle accessories), and a Cobra Security Robot measuring an imposing 4.5” tall (with voice identification panel accessory).

Raven - Super7


First time ever as an action figure! After being shot down together and begrudgingly cooperating with Slip-Stream to survive on Dr. Mindbender’s island, ace pilot Raven learns that Cobra considers her to be disposable and realizes that she’s been fighting for the wrong side!

Snake Eyes (Pyramid of Darkness) - Super7

Snake Eyes (Pyramid of Darkness)

Sure, Snake Eyes is proficient in 12 different kinds of martial arts, but sometimes it’s just easier to wear a disguise and walk right into a Cobra base rather than have to fight your way inside! Based on the “Pyramid of Darkness” miniseries.

Stay tuned as the Super7 alliance with G.I. Joe continues with more unexpected characters and releases in the future. Check out the current Super7 G.I. Joe Collection HERE

Shop G.I. Joe

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Cobra Commander (Toy Colors)
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Lady Jaye
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