As good-natured and jolly as he is dim-witted, Stimpy is the perfect counterpart to his somewhat more [ahem]...“abrasive” cohort, Ren. This 3.75” articulated Ren & Stimpy ReAction figure of Stimpson “Stimpy” J. Cat, is just as doofy and lovable as you remember him to be. Stock up on some Gritty Kitty Litter and cue up reruns of The Muddy Mudskipper Show so this figure of Stimpy will feel at home as part of your ReAction figure family. Oh JOY!
Details and Specs
Product Material/Process Injected Plastic & Paint Product Dimensions (in) 9 x 6 x 1 Weight (lbs) 0.13 lb Packaging Artist Super7 Wave 1 License/Collab Info Ren & Stimpy Safety/Age 14 Country of Origin Vietnam