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ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 7

Willa, Snarf, Ratar-O & Mongor

ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 7

Willa, Snarf, Ratar-O & Mongor

ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 7

Willa, Snarf, Ratar-O & Mongor

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Super7’s latest wave of 7” scale ThunderCats ULTIMATES! is nothing to snarf at! Including Mongor, Ratar-O, Willa, and - yes, finally! - Snarf, all with interchangeable heads & hands and multiple accessories, these made-to-order figures belong in any quality ThunderCats collection!

  • Details and Specs
    Product Material/Process Injected Plastic & Paint
    Weight (lbs) 8.0 lb
    Packaging Artist Super7
    Wave 7
    Safety/Age 14
    Country of Origin China

Josh of Super7 shows off the ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 7 figures.

ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12 - Cruncher, Nayda, & Safari Joe ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12 - Cruncher, Nayda, & Safari Joe
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ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12
Cruncher, Nayda, & Safari Joe
ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12 - Safari Joe ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12 - Safari Joe
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ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12
Safari Joe
ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12 - Nayda ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12 - Nayda
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ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12
ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12 - Cruncher ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12 - Cruncher
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ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 12
ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 01 - Lion-O, Mumm-Ra (Ever Living), & Jackalman ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 01 - Lion-O, Mumm-Ra (Ever Living), & Jackalman
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ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 1
Lion-O, Mumm-Ra (Ever Living), & Jackalman
ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 01 - Jackalman ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 01 - Jackalman
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ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 1
ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 01 - Mumm-Ra (Ever Living) ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 01 - Mumm-Ra (Ever Living)
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ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 1
(Ever Living)
ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 01 - Lion-O ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 01 - Lion-O
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ThunderCats Vintage Figures Wave 1
ThunderCats ULTIMATES! - Mumm-Ra the Ever Living (Black / Red) ThunderCats ULTIMATES! - Mumm-Ra the Ever Living (Black / Red)
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ThunderCats ULTIMATES!
Mumm-Ra the Ever Living
(Black / Red)
ThunderCats ReAction Figures - Tygra (Clear) ThunderCats ReAction Figures - Tygra (Clear)
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ThunderCats ReAction Figures
ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 6 - Mirror Lion-O and Mumm-Ra (Evil Mutant) ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 6 - Mirror Lion-O and Mumm-Ra (Evil Mutant)
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ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 6
Mirror Lion-O and Mumm-Ra (Evil Mutant)
ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 06 - Mirror Lion-O ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 06 - Mirror Lion-O
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ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 6
Mirror Lion-O
ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 06 - Mumm-Ra (Evil Mutant) ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 06 - Mumm-Ra (Evil Mutant)
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ThunderCats ReAction Figures Wave 6
(Evil Mutant)
ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Playset  - Cats' Lair ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Playset  - Cats' Lair
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ThunderCats ULTIMATES!
Cats' Lair
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  • ThunderCats ULTIMATES! Wave 7 - Set of 4

    At the intersection of awesome and amazing, you'll find ULTIMATES!

    Super7 has ULTIMATES action figures for ThunderCats, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Transformers, Godzilla and more! Highly articulated with premium detail and intricate sculpting, our ULTIMATES! figures blur the line between action figures and works of art!